Artificial intelligence war: OpenAI to integrate ChatGPT into DALL-E 3

Artificial intelligence war: OpenAI to integrate ChatGPT into DALL-E 3

OpenAI, the umbrella company of ChatGPT, held the first official public preview of its latest rendering model, DALL-E 3. DALL-E 3 will be integrated directly into ChatGPT. Unveiled at a small event for journalists, DALL-E 3 is billed as a tool that fully understands complex text prompts and generates complexity-appropriate images for them.

A new fact sheet about DALL-E 3 on the OpenAI website states, "Modern text-to-picture systems tend to ignore words or descriptions, forcing users to learn fast engineering.

DALL-E 3 represents a leap forward in our world with the ability to create images that exactly match the text you provide."

Open AI says it will integrate DALL-E 3 directly into ChatGPT, implying that the chatbot will switch from one model to another depending on the content of the request.

This move is expected to further heat up the competition in the "chatbot" space by further diversifying ChatGPT's capabilities.

DALL-E 3 "will be available to all ChatGPT+ users in the next few weeks."

The OpenAI website says that all ChatGPT Plus and ChatGPT Enterprise customers will be able to use it "in early October" and that OpenAI will not claim any royalties on the model outputs.

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