How Security And Surveillance Have Evolved

Artificial intelligence has rapidly overhauled a wide range of industries, and security is no exception. This technology, especially in regard to facial recognition, has changed how we monitor public spaces and identify criminal behavior.

We’re in a technological renaissance period for security and surveillance capabilities. However, activities designed to keep people and places safe started out with highly manual methods. We’ve since organized our efforts and learned new ways to leverage technology to our advantage.

One major initiative was introducing closed circuit television (CCTV) in public spaces. The initial idea was that CCTV would serve as a deterrent, so people would be less likely to commit crimes. The problem was that the people being surveilled realized that cameras wouldn't be watched because they relied on a human being able to always pay attention.

Of course, CCTV was and still is incredibly valuable. As something of a precursor to advanced facial recognition, CCTV became a forensic tool. With it, you can examine an event after it has happened, determining, for instance:

●  What caused the event to occur

●  What areas and times CCTV was deployed

Basic CCTV has evolved into sophisticated video surveillance systems that are also frequently used proactively when authorities are expecting trouble of some kind.

It’s nearly impossible to anticipate how AI and facial recognition will continue to shape and transform security and surveillance for businesses. However, from modest beginnings stemming from CCTV, video surveillance technology has already expanded our forensic capabilities, and real-time alerting has been effective in reducing incidences of crime.With this capability, we can gather intelligence to reduce crime or even stop it before.

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