Level Crossing Safety Systems

Level Crossing Safety Systems

The system aims to prevent accidents at level crossings. With the system to be installed, two smart cameras with video analysis capability are placed at level crossings to see the entire level crossing and projectors/projectors are placed to illuminate the level crossing in case of insufficient light. The incident detection and monitoring cameras placed at the crossing have the capability to transmit images over 3G to a remote point with an internet connection. In case any object enters the level crossing that may affect the course of the train, the smart cameras automatically generate an alarm.

When a train approaches a level crossing within 1.5 km (or any other desired distance), a real-time image of the relevant level crossing and alarm information is transmitted on the display screen on the train. Upon detection of the danger, the engineer is informed of the dangers and can adjust the speed of the train with the "engineer attention" warning. The software and hardware of the prototype system were developed by the ISSD team. Therefore, additional features can be added to the system and system parameters can be changed.

System Components

Event Detection and Image Transfer Camera

Train - Engineer Display Screen

Display Screen Software

System Server

Central Software

Main Server Software

Java was preferred for the software to be platform independent, web-based development was made as it does not require extra configuration and the latest J2EE technologies were used.

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